
這是 marketing project group meeting之後發生的事。

9pm     結束meeting的一群人   走出LSE Library  
             Clara先走了    我跟Maki, Lisa還有Vanessa 去吃晚餐。

M: Why are u using 6 alphabets to say "colour" when u can simply use 5?
L: .........(無言以對).(More traditional and accurate English, I guess.)

M: y' know when I first came to London, I asked someone,"where's Leicester Square ?"
     and later that guy said to his fds," hey, there's an American here."


* 我記得06年去 UCL 上課的時候   當時我的老師Will就有講過類似的話
W: I don't know why the American people always pronounce this as Lei-ces-ter..
      it's Lei-s-ter.
(說完後  聳了聳肩)

M: Are u in the queue for an Oyster Card?
     Would u mind getting me a cup of water?
    (in British accent)

美國人總是難以理解   英國人的 "r"為什麼總是不發完整一點
英國人覺得美國人奇怪    發音的共鳴點怎麼老是在鼻腔

V: y'know we never say toilet.....
L: Then what kind of terms do u use?
M: We say bathroom.

* 這也是其中一個我很不習慣的地方之一
   因為在我過去學美式英文的時候   在公眾場合說toilet是比較不那麼適當的

M: y'know American people say "I feel like" and "because" pretty much...
V: what do British people say then?
L: Why don't u just simply say "I feel "? why is there always a word "like"?
M: We should count that how many "I feel like" we said in one day.

* 這個我也真的覺得很有趣 
   最常聽到的大概就是 I feel like...
   或者 Does that make sense?

1. 'Adult vs. A'dult
2. In'ternship vs.  'Internship
3. Ad'vertisement vs. Adver'tisement

M: Why do u always cross the road when the red light  i s still on?
      y'know in the US this is against the law and u'll get a ticket  by doing this.

此時我跟Lisa異口同聲的大叫:  Really?!
因為不管在哪個國家   我都是那種看到沒車就會闖紅燈的人  = =||

[AmE]                     [BrE]
Really?                  Is it?
Right!                     Isn't it? (pronunciation: in it ?)
Uh-huh                  yep!

<對話9---British slang>
* cotching*


今天6點去了 The Wizard of Oz 的 rehearsal
之後才猛然的想起來   是LSE的Director: Howard Davies!
他演Oz實在是演得很棒   唯妙唯肖   跟我小時候看書時的感覺一模一樣

樂團不用製造音響效果的時候    幾乎一直在笑
整齣劇實在是太好玩了! 純粹當觀眾應該很棒!
有些地方還不是那麼熟  結果就是Angela不斷的提醒: It's A flat.....


不管是essay, project, presentation, mock exam
還是要連演4天的 The Wizard of Oz
還有穿插在中間的 Orchestra performance.

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    My Wonderland

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