Landlord's Statement
[Landlord’s Address]
[post code]
The UK Boarder Agency
Re: Accommodation for my tenant [name]’s fiancée [name]
Dear Sir/ Madam
I, [landlord’s name], am the landlord of the property [rented address] in which [tenant’s name] is currently residing. This property has [number] bedroom(s), [number] living room(s), [number] bathroom(s) and [number] kitchen(s).
I have been informed that my tenant [tenant’s name] wishes to invite his fiancée [name] to stay with him in the property I own and is currently under a private rent agreement.
The Tenancy Agreement showed that the period of rent will be until [date of contract termination], with a rent paid to me at GBP [amount of rent paid monthly]. A deposit of GBP [amount of deposit paid] has previously been paid by my tenant [tenant’s name].
I am happy for the visitor to be accommodated in the property named above and that the accommodation is suitable for a visitor to reside in whilst in the UK. I confirm that the property is for the exclusive use of [tenant’s name] and [name of fiancée].
Yours faithfully,
[signature of landlord]
(print name of Landlord )